General Rating & Information

Question Title

* 1. Please rate your experience in the 2016 Green Business Challenge.

Very negative Extremely Positive
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 2. Why did you choose this rating level?

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* 3. How many years has your company participated in the Green Business Challenge?

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* 4. How many of the monthly seminars did you or someone from your business attend?

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* 5. Is there a way that we could increase your company's participation in the seminars? How can they be improved?

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* 6. Did the meeting time affect your company's attendance at the meetings?

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* 7. If not convenient, then what day/time would have worked better for your company for the meetings?

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* 8. Were the morning meeting times too early, convenient, or too late?

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* 9. Please tell us your ideas for improving the St. Louis Green Business Challenge website

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* 10. Please rate the Awards Ceremony

Not successful at all Extremely successful
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 11. Why did you choose this rating?

Question Title

* 12. Did the award ceremony time affect your company's attendance?

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* 13. Was the meeting time for the award ceremony too early, convenient, or too late?

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* 14. Please tell us your ideas for improving the St. Louis Green Business Challenge Award Ceremony.

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* 15. What aspect, if any, of the Green Business Challenge made it most difficult to complete?

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* 16. What hurdles did your company experience in the process of the Green Business Challenge?

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* 17. What can we do to make the Green Business Challenge better, easier, and more efficient next year?

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* 18. How likely are you to participate in the Green Business Challenge next year?

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* 19. How likely is it that you would recommend the Green Business Challenge to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 20. Why would or wouldn't you recommend the St. Louis Green Business Challenge to other companies?

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* 21. Please tell us the names of other companies (and contact persons) that would be good candidates to participate in the 2017 St. Louis Green Business Challenge.

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* 22. What sustainability areas have been integrated into your company practices? List all that apply

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* 23. How much of a business advantage have sustainability efforts created at your company and what are those advantages?

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* 24. What sustainable strategies does your company plan to address in the future? List all that apply

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* 25. What do you need help with that the Green Business Challenge program could provide?

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* 26. Please use this space for any additional comments or suggestions you have about the Green Business Challenge.

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* 27. What level did you participate in?

20% of survey complete.