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* 1. Please complete this survey and provide your name and contact information; phone number and email, by the 5 June 2016 to be eligible for the $100.00 gift voucher draw

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* 2. Has your family used Helping Hands Outside School Hours Care on site at Hillcrest Primary School since it opened?

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* 3. If no, please indicate why by ticking the appropriate box

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* 4. What would need to change for you to increase usage or start using the service?

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* 5. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with the service at Helping Hands Hillcrest? Is the service meeting your expectations?

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* 6. How do you rate the food provided by Helping Hands Hillcrest?

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* 7. How would you rate the program and activities provided by Helping Hands Hillcrest?

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* 8. How would you rate the care and interactions with the children provided by Centre staff at Helping Hands Hillcrest?

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* 9. How well do you think Helping Hands Hillcrest reflects the values and culture of the school?

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* 10. How would you rate the service provided by the Central Office Staff at Helping Hands Network (Accounts and Customer Service)?

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* 11. As a partnership with your school, how would you rate Helping Hands Hillcrest's involvement with the school community

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* 12. Please provide any other comments that you feel will assist with improving the service provided by Helping Hands Hillcrest