Every day, UOAA receives calls from people who are seeking local resources.  Please help us refer people to your group by completing the questions below.

We would like to have uniform information for every ASG, so even if you recently updated your contact information with us, please complete this survey.
You can respond online or with the form that is being mailed with ASG dues letters – you do not need to do both.

Please respond by April 30th at the latest.  If we receive your survey by March 31st, we will enter your ASG into an incentive drawing to be held at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time on April 1st.  Five ASG names will be drawn to receive a $50 gift card that can be used for refreshments at your upcoming group meetings.

Thank you for everything you do!

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* 1. Please enter your ASG number, name, and meeting location.

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* 2. Mailing Address

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* 3. Does your ASG have a website or Facebook page?

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* 4. Who should be listed in The Phoenix and on UOAA's website as the public contact for your ASG?  Please list name, title, phone number, and e-mail address.  If your contact does not have an e-mail account, please indicate that.

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* 5. Who are your main contacts for communications with UOAA?  Please include at least 2 names, listing name, title, phone number, and e-mail address for each person.

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* 6. Who are your additional officers/leaders?  Please list the name, title, phone number, and e-mail address for each person who is not already listed under question 5 above (if any).

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* 7. Have any of your ASG Leaders attended UOAA's National Conference, or a regional conference offered by an ASG?

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* 8. How many members does your ASG have?  How many attend meetings?  When are your meetings held?

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* 9. What is the age range of your group's members?

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* 10. Do you accept/store donated ostomy supplies to give to those in need?

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* 11. Does your ASG have a newsletter?

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* 12. If your ASG has a newsletter, how often is it sent?

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* 13. Information regarding your ASG's Visitor Program

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* 14. Please add any comments or additional explanations: