Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information:

Question Title

* 2. 1. How much do you agree with the statement below? (Circle how much you agree or disagree.)

  I strongly disagree I disagree I don't agree or disagree I agree I strongly agree
I'm glad that I live in an area that has wetlands.
People have a right to change the environment.
I think amphibians and wetland animals are cool.
People's actions can negatively impact or affect the environment.
I like to go on trips to places like forests away from cities.
I try to tell others that wetlands are important.
I know I can help save wetland environments.
I like to sit by a pond and watch dragonflies.

Question Title

* 3. 2. The area next to a wetland pond has been bought by a company who wants to clear some of the trees and bushes to build a golf course. How will this affect the wetland negatively?