Program Participation Information

Thank you for your interest in the 2016-2017 STEM Teacher Leadership Program. Please review the Program Participation information below prior to completing the online application. This application is currently open to teachers in Shoreline, Everett, Mukilteo and Northshore. 

Program Participation:
Accepted Teacher Leader applicants are expected to fully participate in all program sessions. See session information below. 
     Summer Leadership Bootcamp will be August,15th through August 18th, 9am to 4pm each day. The purpose of this camp is to create a foundation of skills needed to be a leader in your school building. 
     Monthly 2-hour meetings will be held with your district Community of Practice. Location and time will be determined by your district cohort. 
     There will be one fall professional development day on November 8th, 2016 and one spring professional development day on March15th, 2017, 9 am to 4 pm. 

Accepted Teacher Leader applicants are also expected to have prior approval from their building principal. Principals will be expected to fill out an online recommendation form and attend a 3-hour goal setting session around issues of equity and access. Any building principal or vice-principal can fulfill this expectation. 

Please visit the Washington Alliance for Better Schools website for more program information or contact Shereen Henry, the Director of Instructional Leadership, at 

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* 1. Contact Information: Please complete all the fields below.

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* 3. How long have you taught in your current school district? 

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* 4. How long have you been teaching, in total? 

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* 5. What teaching certificates and endorsements do you currently hold? 

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* 6. What grades do you currently teach? Choose all that apply. 

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* 7. What classes have you taught, and what new classes may you teach in the near future? 

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* 8. In which of the following fields of study do you predominantly teach? 

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* 9. In which of the following fields are your undergraduate or graduate degree(s) in?

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* 10. Have you held a job other than teaching in the last 10 years? 

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* 11. Please list any other industry certifications or licenses you have below.

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* 12. Have you been a WABS STEM Extern or Fellow? Check all that apply.

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* 13. What experience do you have with student-centered instruction? Have you used a model such as Problem-based Learning, POGIL, or Complex Instruction? Discuss your experience.

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* 14. Tell us about your collaboration with other teachers in your building or in the district. Also describe how you have collaborated with administrators or other district leaders.

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* 15. In what capacity have you already been a teacher leader in your building? In what ways do you want to grow as a teacher leader? 

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* 16. I have read the program participation commitments at the top of this survey and agree that I can meet the time and requirements. 

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* 17. I have requested a building principal to fill out a recommendation for me.  I have also confirmed that a principal from my building will be able to attend the morning August 16th session on equity and access in order to write goals with me as a building leader. The online form can be found at