Have your say!

Complete this survey to provide detailed feedback on the Discussion Paper, Priority 3: An Evidence-Informed Approach. 

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1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly disagree  Disagree  Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
Consistent data collection can help build a comprehensive and convincing picture of the work CLCs do
The community legal sector needs enhanced capacity to use data and evidence to demonstrate the value of services.
Sharing de-identified service data across the CLC sector is important to better identify, understand and solve common problems or challenges.

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2. What are the main challenges/barriers to strengthening evaluation capability and capacity?

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3. What are the main challenges/barriers to improving data collection and insights across the CLC sector?

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4. What efforts or initiatives would increase CLC capability and engagement in evaluation and outcome measurement?

For example: training sessions, embed evaluation in organisation and sector projects, or enhanced leadership support.

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5. What efforts or initiatives would strengthen better management of quality data?

For example: better digital applications, flexible data entry or data validation tools to support data collection and management.

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6. What are the challenges that could prevent the CLC sector from being able to demonstrate and replicate effective models of service delivery, and how can these be overcome?

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7. What are the challenges that could prevent the CLC sector from sharing de-identified data and other service information, and how can these be overcome?

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8. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements in the Discussion Paper concerning Priority 3: An Evidence-Informed Approach?

The Community Legal Sector needs to:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
Improve articulation of state-wide service models to better demonstrate value.
Enhance the use of digital systems to make data collection, analysis and reporting easier.
Strengthen outcomes measurement capability to ensure CLCs are sustainable into the future.
Increase cross-sector partnership opportunities for collective impact.

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9. What role should CLCs have in evaluation?

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10. What would the evaluation and data management situation of CLCs ideally look like in the next five to ten years?

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11. What future changes to evaluation practice and support could most challenge the sector’?

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12. What future changes to evaluation practice and support could most benefit the sector?’

Thank you for your insights. We look forward to working with you to develop the 10-Year Plan and ensure that CLCs are strong and sustainable into the future.