Question Title

* 1. We would like to know the extent to which the "ACEs - The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study"  WebEx, has met your expectations. For each item below, please choose the answer that best describes your response to the statement.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
The information from this WebEx will be beneficial to me in my work
Overall, I was satisfied this WebEx

Question Title

* 2. We would like to know the extent to which the "ACEs - The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study" WebEx has met the outlined objectives. For each objective below, please choose the answer that best describes your response to the statement.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
The session effectively met the objectives
Objective 1. Participants will be able to describe the ten questions which make up the ACE study.
Objective 2. Participants will become aware of the factors influencing children’s health and adult health, such as poverty and genetics. 
Objective 3. Participants will have a generalized understanding of the evidence connecting ACEs and health outcomes as adults.

Question Title

* 3. We would like to further understand the extent that the "ACEs - The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study" WebEx met your expectations. For each item below, please choose the answer that best describes your response to the statement.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
The presenter, Dr. Michael Brumage, held my attention
The audiovisuals were helpful
I would recommend this presentation to my colleagues

Question Title

* 4. Please suggest topics for future conferences or WebEx

Question Title

* 5. Please provide any additional comments

For questions email Lori Haapala at