Following the success and enthusiasm of our first two meetings, we hope to continue to build this group into a community that is useful for each of you in terms of information sharing and deepening ties in a confidential setting. In order to be productive, we plan to have future meetings centered around 1-2 topics led by one of our members and/or an outside expert guest. To that end, please complete the below survey so we can better understand topics of interest and areas of expertise. All answers will be kept confidential.

Question Title

* 1. First name:

Question Title

* 2. Last Name:

Question Title

* 3. Company:

Question Title

* 4. Title:

Question Title

* 5. Brief description of role:

Question Title

* 6. Email address:

Question Title

* 7. Best number:

Question Title

* 8. Permission to be included in an ESG PAG Directory/Distribution List 

Question Title

* 9. The ESG PAG was formed for the purpose of connecting senior peers to engage and leverage their collective wisdom, skills, and experience in an organized, confidential, and intimate environment. In your own words, briefly describe what you would find most useful out of these meetings

Question Title

* 10. Please rank the below topics in terms of interest for future meetings.

  1 - Lowest 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Highest
Unpacking ESG, which areas are of most interest; how to distinguish between the intersection
ESG dynamics in the US today
--Political headwinds
--Potential positive impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act
Building ESG analytical understanding and ability
--ESG Analysis, Valuation and Integration
--ESG Integrated Portfolio Construction and Management
Measurement and Reporting: Assessing ESG ratings, frameworks, and data standards
--What is out there, which are appropriate when, and what are the limitations to navigate
Policy and regulation: Building understanding of current climate regulation and disclosures, e.g.,
--Global- Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),
--Europe--EU Taxonomy Regulation, and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR),
--China- guidelines for green financial system, green asset taxonomy, and PBoC 2022-2025 strategy
--North America-- 2022 SEC proposal and push against greenwashing
Investing in Carbon markets
--Voluntary (offsets) and mandatory
--Credits, ETFs/green bonds, etc
Effective strategic engagement and the growth of stewardship
Approaches to integrating DEIB into ESG
ESG brand awareness across all stakeholders
--How to transition away from judging to facts; do we need new language since ‘ESG’ has been weaponized
Building Organizational and Investment Committee Buy-In to ESG
--ESG integration within your investment process; how to convince skeptics
Case Studies of ESG Improving Risk-Adjusted Returns
SDGs and their intersectionality with ESG

Question Title

* 11. Are there particular sectors or industries that you would want to discuss (e.g. ESG in the construction industry, Sustainable agriculture)

Question Title

* 12. Please let us know on which of the above topics you would feel comfortable leading or co-leading a discussion and/or if you have an expert in mind to facilitate the discussion.

Question Title

* 13. Would you be open to hosting an ESG PAG evening or lunch event?

Thank you for your response and email with any questions. 
Please click DONE to complete your registration.