Have Your Wedding Story Featured on QcityMetro.com.

Congratulations, and thank you for sharing details about your special day.
Stories for QCity Brides feature engagements, weddings, anniversaries and vow renewals of Black couples with connections to the Charlotte, North Carolina, area.
Things to know:

By submitting this form, you are acknowledging permission from all parties involved to submit content to us.
Your wedding must have occurred within 12 months from the date of submission.
We ask for a maximum of 25 of the best horizontal images from your wedding and engagement photos.
We require hi-resolution images without watermarks. Participating vendors will be properly credited in the vendor section of the article.
We will feature destination weddings. However, the couple must have connections to the North Carolina and South Carolina areas (ex. current resident, hometown, etc.). 
To submit your content for consideration, please complete the questionnaire below.
If you have any questions, please contact us at brides@qcitymetro.com.

Question Title

* 1. Full names of couple: (Please include preferred pronouns)

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* 2. Your email address?

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* 3. Your Phone Number

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* 4. Your occupations?

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* 5. Couple's hometowns?

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* 6. City and state where you reside?

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* 7. Your wedding date:

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* 8. Wedding venue and location:

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* 9. How and when did you meet? Please provide details.

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* 10. Tell us about your first date.

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* 11. How did you know you had met "the one?"

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* 12. Tell us about your proposal story. Please provide details.

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* 13. Tell us about your wedding planning experience.

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* 14. Tell us about your wedding.

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* 15. What was the most memorable moment of your wedding day?

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* 16. Where did you honeymoon? What activities did you experience?

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* 17. What advice would you give to an engaged couple about the wedding planning process?

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* 18. Your wedding vendors
List the company names and URLs of your vendors.
Please note which vendors are Black businesses.
We will not be able to add vendors after the article is published.

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* 19. Any other important details you’d like to share?

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* 20. Link to curated images (25 max.)

Dropbox is preferred.
Images must be free of watermarks.
We must have access to download the hi-resolution images.

JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File