From expert-written articles to inspiring customer success stories, improve your knowledge by exploring our catalog of resources for marketing.
Read our step-by-step guide on conducting customer behavior analysis. Learn how to collect data and improve customer touchpoints.
Presenting your research soon? Learn the most effective way to use a survey analysis report. See sections to include and report best practices.
Conduct market research faster for real-time insights and smart decision-making. Learn what agile market research is and how to apply the framework.
How to use customer and employee feedback to drive innovation with insights from LinkedIn, FranklinCovey, and Hornblower.
Only 12% of consumers plan to increase their holiday budgets in 2024. Discover 100+ stats and tips for business leaders to drive sales this season.
See marketing insights in action with strategies for using SurveyMonkey for marketing.
Learn how SurveyMonkey uses surveys for CX
New research on the role of data on the employee experience; how it impacts decision making, worker confidence, and trust in teammates and leaders