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High School Male Sports Team Registration
Jane Doe Inc. Massachusetts White Ribbon Day

Affiliate Sports Teams plan to promote White Ribbon Day within their own schools and plan to operate an engagement activity for men and boys in their locality during the calendar year. Affiliates give permission for their organizational name to be published on White Ribbon Day print and web materials.

Please register by completing the following form.
The Massachusetts White Ribbon Day Pledge:
From this day forward, I promise to be part of the solution
in ending violence against women.

Your general agreements:

Any organization, group or corporation based in Massachusetts may become affiliated with the White Ribbon Day Campaign in Massachusetts by signing the White Ribbon Day Pledge and agreeing to conduct a men and/or boys pledge event, under the White Ribbon Campaign name or other name of your choice, during the calendar year.


Fundraising and Collaboration Agreement:

As a demonstration of the commitment to supporting survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, our men's engagement activities and campaigns (including White Ribbon Campaigns) that may generate resources, we will share such funds and resources with the local JDI member victims' services provider(s) in our area. Furthermore, we will report our plans and activities on a regular basis to our local JDI member victims' services provider(s).

Information Collection and Sharing Agreement:

1. As an Affiliate, you agree to register your events relevant to engaging men in your communities with the Jane Doe Inc. website calendar. This way everyone's local activity is represented and available to the press.

2. As an Affiliate, you agree to keep track of the number of men and boys who have signed your local pledge and to report these upon request.

3. As an Affiliate, you agree to track contact information for your pledge names so that these men in your community can be contacted from time to time by the statewide white ribbon day committee.