Question Title

* 1. Please select yes or no for each of the following questions

  Yes No
Do you shop in downtown Westfield?
Do you visit in downtown Westfield?
Do you live near downtown Westfield?
Do you work near downtown Westfield?

Question Title

* 2. How often do you participate in the following?

  1/ Day Twice/ Week Twice/ Month Twice/ year Never
Shop in the downtown Westfield area
Visit the downtown Westfield area
Eat out for breakfast
Eat out for lunch
Eat out for dinner
Shop for non-groceries

Question Title

* 3. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Downtown Westfield needs more recreational facilities (i.e. bowling)
Downtown Westfield needs more entertainment venues (i.e. music/ theater)
Downtown Westfield needs more artistic and cultural opportunies
Downtown Westfield needs more community events (i.e. Musicfest Concerts)

Question Title

* 4. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Downtown Westfield needs more high-end retail locations
Downtown Westfield needs more discount retail locations
Downtown Westfield needs more restaurant options
Downtown Westfield needs more bars and lounges
Downtown Westfield needs more office space
Downtown Westfield needs more housing options
Downtown Westfield needs more personal service storefronts (i.e. salon/barber)
Downtown Westfield needs more professional services (i.e. Insurance/ legal)

Question Title

* 5. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Downtown Westfield needs more lighting
Downtown Westfield needs more parks/ green space
Downtown Westfield needs more parking options
Downtown Westfield needs more sidewalk/ street improvements
Extension of the bike path would make me more likely to go downtown

Question Title

* 6. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I would rather fix something myself than hire someone to fix it
I am more likely to spend money than save money
I always try to buy products and services locally
I like the look and feel of downtown Westfield
I feel safe in the downtown area at all hours
I like to bring out-of-town guests to the downtown area
I recommend shopping in downtown Westfield
I like to attend events in the downtown area

Question Title

* 7. Respond by selecting the box, for each item, that most accurately represents you

  Close to home Close to work Close to both  Neither
The downtown Westfield area is...
I am more likely to shop for non-groceries...

Question Title

* 8. When commuting to the downtown area, how do you typically travel?

Question Title

* 9. When driving into the downtown Westfield area, where do you typically park?

Question Title

* 10. How far away from your downtown Westfield destination do you typically end up parking?

Question Title

* 11. How satisfied are you with the present state of the downtown Westfield area?

Question Title

* 12. Rank the following from one (1) to five (5)
(1 being what attracts you the most and 5 being what attracts you the least to the downtown area)

Question Title

* 13. Approximately how much money do you spend in the downtown Westfield area over the course of a month?

Question Title

* 14. Please check all of the following that you are interested in or strongly support

Question Title

* 15. Please check all of the following that you are interested in

Question Title

* 16. Please describe your age

Question Title

* 17. How many people live in your household

Question Title

* 18. Please select the option that best describes your marital status

Question Title

* 19. Please describe your annual household income

Question Title

* 20. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

Question Title

* 21. Please name two businesses that you would most like to see come to downtown Westfield
      (Please list two [2] specific names or genres)

Question Title

* 22. Please provide your home zip/postal code

Question Title

* 23. How long did it take you to complete this survey?