1. What about a Walk-A-Thon?

Does your group need a way to raise funds for bird conservation, while providing education about birds? We are creating a national walk-a-thon that you may host in conjunction with your IMBD event or at another time...as long as it's for conservation! EFTA will provide you with the tools to make your walk a success. Your organization would plan and execute the event - with the proceeds benefitting your choice of conservation projects at your site or elsewhere.

We want your opinion and thoughts on a national walk-a-thon for conservation. Thanks for answering the questions below.

Question Title

* 1. Does your group currently include fundraising activities as a part of your IMBD event?

Question Title

* 2. If we were to provide your group with guidance, tools, ideas and support, including a web site, would you be interested in organizing a walk-a-thon event either in association with or separately from your IMBD event?

Question Title

* 3. If you were to choose one conservation project to raise money for, what would that be?

Question Title

* 4. Rate the following walk-a-thon titles in order of preference

  Great name! This is OK Not at all
Walk for Wildlife
Wildlife Walk
Nature Walk
A Walk on the Wild Side