1. Membership Survey About Apartments and Community Living

7% of survey complete.
We do not really have much specific information about apartment and community style living environments in the WACUHO region.

In an attempt to address this, we are gathering data and ideas from our membership at large.

This survey will take approximately 5 - 15 minutes (this will depend on the variety of types of community living you offer on your campus). It includes some basic demographic information about your institution and about your community living environments, and then some personal interest and information questions. We understand that there will be some questions for which you will be unsure of the information. Because of this, you will have the option to select "unsure" for many questions. However, you may find it helpful to have access to resident numbers when completing the survey, and the more questions answered the better data we will have.

We are asking all WACUHO members to complete the survey, not only to assess interest, but also to be able to ensure the highest possible institutional response. We will be "pooling" institutional demographic information, so please fill this information out if you have it.

Our hope is to compile the information, identify the important trends, and present it at the Annual Conference in June and in a later issue of the WAVES. Not only will the information provide the committee with some future direction, but should give both WACUHO as a whole and our member institutions useful data to discuss and with which to plan.

When answering these questions, please consider housing that was/is offered during the 09-10 Academic Year. Also, when asked for numbers of students and staff, please provide numbers based on 100% occupancy.

If you need assistance with the survey, or notice an error, please email apartments@wacuho.org.