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* 1. To which trail group do you feel you most belong?

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* 2. I am responding from the following region:

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* 3. I am responding from the following type of area:

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* 4. Would you support changes in legislation that would see a trails act in Ontario?

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* 5. Would you support changes in regulation that make it easier for municipalities or other groups to fund trail development?

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* 6. Would you support changes in regulation that reduce the liability for trail operators as long as it does not absolve them in cases of negligence?

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* 7. Would you support Ontario Trails Council administration of a fund that promoted trail development?

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* 8. Do you have a trail project:

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* 9. Would you support legal reform that saw an increase in the development of trails through removal of regulatory red tape?

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* 10. If rules an regulations changed which would you like to see?