About this survey

With this short survey we kindly ask for your feedback to the TAUS Extended Annual Plan 2011. In particular we are interested in your response to the proposal that TAUS becomes an interoperability watchdog for the translation industry and to understand activities you see as most important for this function.

You do not need to review the Plan to respond to this survey, as descriptions of goals and proposed activity are provided below. However if you are not at all aware of the work we do, please do read the Plan before responding.

If you are in doubt as to the severity of the issue you may find it helpful to look at interim results of a survey before responding. This indicates the many hundreds of millions of cost to the industry resulting from the lack of interoperability.

The survey takes 5 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey you will be able to see responses and comments, but not the names and contacts details of contributors.

We will send you a summary report on findings. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. TAUS is ready to step up as an industry watchdog for interoperability. It is a natural extension to our recognized role as an industry innovation think tank. Interoperability is a key enabler for better technology solutions and greater innovation.

We would like to work with the standards bodies to fine tune the translation interchange standards, to set up an online interoperability dashboard, to help developing new standards where needed, and most of all to ensure that the market uses and embraces the standards.

Do you support and endorse TAUS as an organization to take on this role? Please use the comments box to explain the reasoning for your answer.

Question Title

* 2. TAUS is proposing to undertake several activities in 2011 and 2012 to pave the way for translation industry interoperability. Which of these activities do you find most important and most relevant?

  Important Not important
Interoperability Dashboard on TAUS website showing the interoperability scores (i.e. level of compliance to open standards) for tools when using specific document formats.
Certification service (i.e. certifying that tools comply to open standards)
Migration reports: best practices for migrating towards open translation platforms (i.e. ones with open interfaces and complying with open standards)
Market outreach and promotion of translation interchange formats
Reference implementations and execution of open standards (such as TAUS Data repository)
Representation (of TAUS membership) on industry standards technical committees
Educate and support the industry on the importance of open standards and interoperability

Question Title

* 3. Do you want to support open standards and join TAUS in this program to help the translation industry reach a common ground of efficiency and interoperable services? (See membership categories)

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* 4. Do you want to sponsor any of the specific projects as outlined in the TAUS Annual Plan 2011? If so, please indicate which project you would like to sponsor.

Question Title

* 5. Please provide your basic contact information below.

Thank you for filling this survey. We will keep you informed and send you a summary report on findings.