‘Create My Support Plan’ is a new website being designed by the The West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL)
The project is led by Disabled people, Older people, people with mental health needs, carers and families.
The aim of the project is to develop a new way for people to plan their own care and support, find information and have more choice and control.

Here is a link to the 'test' version of 'Create My Support Plan'


Please let us know what you think about the website, if you or someone you know would use it, or if you have any suggestions.
Please feel free to say as little or as much as you want. The feedback is completely anonymous.

WECIL would like to thank you for taking the time to test this new website. Your views and comments on this are very important to us!
They will help us to make sure that the website is does what it needs to and is accessible to as many people as possible.

If you would like to give us your feedback and comments in a different way, or have any questions, please contact MIke Steel at WECIL:

E-mail: mike.steel@wecil.co.uk

Tel: 0117 947 9911