This survey is for all Ohio public libraries that offered a Summer Reading Program in summer 2015, regardless of the theme used or ages served. Your responses will help the State Library, cooperating state agencies, Regional Library Systems, and the Collaborative Summer Library Program to provide helpful resources and support for future summer reading programs. Your responses will also help demonstrate the importance of libraries for summer enrichment and literacy support. Direct any questions to Janet Ingraham Dwyer at Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Contact information:

Question Title

* 2. Did your library offer a summer reading program in 2015 for

  Yes No
The next three questions ask you to report on the number of people who participated in your SRP and related programming. Please provide the numbers of people who REGISTERED (signed up) for your SRP, who COMPLETED your SRP (if applicable), and who ATTENDED SRP-RELATED PROGRAMS. If you count SRP participation by some method other than registration, skip question #3 and describe your method and results in question #6.

Question Title

* 3. How many people registered for your 2015 SRP? Include bookmobile and outreach participants if applicable. Leave blank any fields that do not apply.

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* 4. If you set a completion goal for SRP participants, how many people met the requirements for completion of your SRP? Leave blank any fields that do not apply. Please skip this question if you do not define or track SRP completion.

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* 5. What was the total attendance at your programs and events (storytimes, performers, parties, etc.) that took place during SRP? Include bookmobile and outreach programming if applicable. Leave blank any fields that do not apply.

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* 6. If you track SRP participation by any other measures (in addition to or instead of registration), please describe. This could include total number of books read, reading logs distributed, book reviews received, etc. It could also include outcomes-based approaches to measuring SRP results.

Question Title

* 7. Did you use the 2015 CSLP theme(s)?
Every Hero Has a Story (children/early literacy)
Unmask! (teens)
Escape the Ordinary (adults)

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* 8. If you distributed the Ohio State Fair coupon as an incentive, how many coupons did you distribute?

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* 9. If you distributed the Ohio State Parks certificate as an incentive, how many certificates did you distribute?

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* 10. If you distributed the Ohio Renaissance Festival coupon as an incentive, how many coupons did you distribute?

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following services and products made available to Ohio public libraries for 2015 summer reading programs. If you were unaware of the availability of a service/product, select "Not aware".

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Not aware Did not use
CSLP manual
CSLP artwork/downloads on DVD
CSLP website
CSLP-themed products from Upstart/Highsmith
CSLP partnerships (Bedtime Math, National Geographic, Starwalk Kids, etc.)
Ohio Summer Reading Program webpage
Ohio State Fair coupon
Ohio State Parks certificate
Ohio Renaissance Festival coupon
Summer Reading Program workshop hosted by Regional Library System

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any additional feedback for the State Library or CSLP, or anything else you would like to share about your 2015 SRP? Stories are welcome, as are suggestions!

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* 13. Do you permit the State Library to include quotes from your survey response in a video summary of the 2015 Ohio SRP Evaluation? This video will be used to tell the story of public library summer reading programs around Ohio and how they positively impact children, teens, and communities.

If you would like to share photos from your SRP for possible inclusion in the video summary, please email it/them to By submitting a photo(s), you certify that the State Library has permission to publish it, and that you have implicit or explicit consent of all persons appearing in the photo that the photo be published. Be sure to include the name of your library, the branch or location of the photo (if different from your main library), and how to credit the photographer/owner (if required).
Thank you for completing the 2015 Summer Reading Program survey. Please click "Done" to submit. Your browser will display the State Library's Youth Services page.