
Dear participant,

Thank you for participating in this questionnaire.

By November 2011 the European Commissioner for Regional Policy and its DG REGIO presented some specific plans for cohesion policy in 2014-2020 in which urban areas play a larger role:

- allocation of at least 5 % of resources under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to sustainable urban development through integrated territorial investments (ITI)

- allocation of 400 million euros (0,2% budget) to innovative urban actions

- creation of an urban development platform of 300 cities to strengthen dialogue between cities and the European Commission on the urban dimension of cohesion policy

The proposals of the European Commission are currently under discussion in the European Parliament and in the Council. The results of this questionnaire will therefore be part of the negotiations. This questionnaire measures how cities and regions think about current cohesion policy, the future plans for cohesion policy and how cities/regions think about the notion of urban policy. Further, this questionnaire also has the option to give specific feedback from your city to the European Parliament.

Kind regards,

EMI & URBAN Intergroup