1. 2011 PRSA|GA Annual Conference Call for Presentations

The PRSA|GA Annual Conference Committee is now accepting presentation submissions for the 2011 PRSA|GA Annual Conference that is being held on May 4, 2011 at the Georgia Tech Research Institute Conference Center in Atlanta.

We are looking for experienced presenters who can motivate and energize 150 PR professionals of all levels on the latest tools, techniques and trends in a variety of areas, such as:

• Social media
• Crisis communications
• Presentation skills
• Communication leadership/management
• Employee communication
• Strategy and counsel
• Change management
• Media relations
• Measurement and evaluation
• Corporate social responsibility
• Integrated marketing communications
• Writing

Presentation submissions are being accepted now until Friday, October 8, 2010.

Proposals are welcome from PR and other communications professionals and educators. Submissions are also welcome from other field-related experts such as management consultants, journalists, editors and specialists in the field of interactive communications, research and communications measurement. Presentations from vendors will only be considered if they are unbiased, educational, informative and innovative. All presentations MUST be noncommercial. Pitches for a specific commercial service or product will not be considered.

Speaker note: Speakers presenting at the 2011 PRSA|GA Annual Conference will not receive compensation for their presentation nor their expenses related to their presentation, including travel.

Proposals should be for a 75 minute breakout session (including Q&A), which could be for an individual or panel of experts. Conference attendees cover all industries — agency, corporate, nonprofit, government — and experience levels in the Georgia and Southeastern regions. Presentations should be targeted to one or more of these groups. Your presentation should be designed to educate, inform and intrigue our attendees with the latest in up-to-date theory, strategy and practice. Case studies with demonstrated results as well as useful tips that attendees can take back to their jobs are encouraged.

For questions about the conference, please contact the 2011 PRSA|GA Annual Conference Co-Chairs:

Sarah Cannon
(404) 870-6872

Jessica Riley
(517) 402-2621

Please note: You can only fill in this application once. You cannot alter this application once you have initially submitted it. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact Sarah or Jessica.

You will receive a confirmation once you have submitted this application.

Thank you for your interest!

Question Title

* 1. Name, Title, Organization, Address, Zip, Telephone and E-mail

Question Title

* 2. If more than one presenter, please include information for each and designate the lead presenter in Question 1.

Question Title

* 3. Title of presentation

Question Title

* 4. Description and content (100 words max)

Question Title

* 5. Bio for each presenter (max 200 words)

Question Title

* 6. List three main learning objectives (at the end of the session, attendees will know ...)

Question Title

* 7. List details about whether the presentation has been delivered before (if so, where, where, audience, etc.)