1. IT usage Index for learners

This is not a test, but a questionnaire to gauge the level of IT usage among learners and teachers. It will help provide a basis for improving computer facilities in our schools.

Please answer all questions. Any information you provide will remain confidential, and at no stage will any individual be identified when results are reported.

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* 1. Please provide the following information about yourself. It will remain completely confidential.

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* 4. Do you own a computer?

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* 5. If Yes to 4, what kind of computer is it? (you may select more than 1)

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* 6. If No to 4, do you have access to a computer for personal use at home?

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* 7. How many computers (any of the above types) are in use in your home?

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* 8. Do you make use of the Internet at home?

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* 9. Aside from during computer classes, do you have access to school computers?

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* 10. Are you able to use school computers for Internet and e-mail purposes?