
Feel free to tell us if you don't know an answer.

In July 2012 it was resolved at the LWMLC convention to set up the Refocusing for Mission Task Force to look at how LWMLC does things and make recommendations. Here is your chance to have a say in this important undertaking.
Please answer as many questions as you can. You may wish to ask your society president for a hard copy of the survey, or download one from www.lutheranwomen.ca to use as a working copy as you think and pray about your answers. Then enter them here online.

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* 1. Please check all the positions you have held during your LWMLC or ILWML membership.

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* 2. How did you get started with ILWML/LWMLC?

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* 3. What intrigued you about the organization? What keeps you coming back?

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* 4. What important things has LWMLC done in the past 20 years?

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* 5. In what ways has LWMLC affected you in your daily life?

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* 6. What was the most powerful, moving, or important LWMLC moment for you during the past 20 years? Why?


Please feel free to answer this section for each role you have held. It would help us to know in what role(s) you are answering. We want to hear it all!

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* 7. I am answering this part as:

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* 8. What do you believe is the purpose of an LWMLC meeting?

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* 9. Have you used LWMLC resources to help your meeting be more productive? What did you use and how did it go?

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* 10. Has the advent of electronic communication changed the way you do the work of LWMLC? How? Should it?

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* 11. What is your greatest joy in LWMLC right now?

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* 12. What do you see as the greatest challenge facing LWMLC right now?

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* 13. How often do you read material put out by LWMLC? How important is this to you in your daily life?

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* 14. How is the LWMLC Resource Centre useful to you? If not, why not?

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* 15. What is working in your society right now? What is the purpose of a society, as you see it?

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* 16. What is working in your zone right now? What is the purpose of a zone as you see it?

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* 17. How should zone expenses be handled?

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* 18. What is working in your district right now? What is the purpose of a district as you see it?

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* 19. How should district expenses be handled?

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* 20. What is working in the national organization right now? What is the purpose of the national organization as you see it?

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* 21. How should national expenses be handled?

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* 22. What is the purpose of conventions, as you see it? Can you think of another way convention business could be handled?

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* 23. How should convention expenses be handled?

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* 24. What is the purpose of a weekend retreat or workshop? Can you think of a way to allow more women to participate? How should retreat or workshop expenses be paid?


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* 25. As you look at your life in the future, what do you see LWMLC doing to encourage you in your faith? What would we need in place to do this?

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* 26. What important things should be done in LWMLC to encourage the building of relationships? How could we best do them?

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* 27. What important things should be done in LWMLC to foster support of mission work through our church body? How can we make sure this remains central to our every task?

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* 28. Do you have anything else to say to the Refocusing for Mission task force?

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* 29. Name of your Zone:

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* 30. Name of your District:

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* 31. My age group:

Thank you for taking the time to give the answers to these very important questions! The Refocusing for Missions Task Force will compile all the responses and make recommendations to the General Council at its meeting in March, 2014. Our goal is to let our leaders know what you are thinking about the future of LWMLC!

If you have questions or want to share more, you may reach the task force at refocusingformission@lutheranwomen.ca. Each district has a representative. Names and contact information if you wish to be in touch directly has been published in the Summer 2013 issue of Get Connected.