1. Web Survey for Site Redesign

The Office of Communications is undertaking a review of the Feinberg School of Medicine top-level web pages, including the Home page. As part of this effort, we would like to know how you use the Feinberg web site.

The following survey is 12 questions long and will take four minutes. Please help us improve the web site and make it more useful to you by telling us about your experiences with the site.

Thank you for your time,

Tom Garritano
Senior Executive Director of Communications
Feinberg School of Medicine

Question Title

* 1. How would you describe yourself? (select one)

Question Title

* 2. How often do you visit the Feinberg home page? (select one)

Question Title

* 3. What are your main reasons for using the Feinberg web site?

(Please rank your three top choices 1, 2 and 3.)

  1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice
To access class pages
To access curriculum related information
To find a specific department, program or center web site
To find Admissions information
To access Galter Library resources
To access Research related information
To review Residencies by Program
To read Feinberg news
To find out about Feinberg events
To find Cost of Attendance information
To access Faculty Profiles
To find office contact information
To access Alumni pages

Question Title

* 4. In general, how easy is it to find what you are looking for on the Feinberg web site? (select one)

Question Title

* 5. How easy is it to locate the following information on the web site?

  very easy easy neutral challenging very difficult N/A
Admissions process
Residency application process
Degree programs
Medical Curriculum and Course Descriptions
Academic Calendars
Campus and school information
Research and Funding Opportunities
Student Services
Academic departments
Make an online gift to the medical school
Ward Rounds publication
Faculty Affairs information
Faculty Directory
Administrative Contacts
Upcoming events
Clinical information

Question Title

* 6. What information, if any, have you had trouble finding on the site?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the Feinberg Home page using the following criteria:

  strongly agree somewhat agree neutral somewhat disagree strongly disagree
The Home page is easy to understand
I can easily find the information I am looking for
I like the overall look and feel of the site

Question Title

* 8. How often do you visit the following web sections, linked from the Feinberg Home page?

  weekly monthly a few times a year annually never
Dean’s page
Faculty Affairs
Office of Communications

Question Title

* 9. What information, if any, is missing from the About Feinberg section?

Question Title

* 10. How often do you browse or interact with other Feinberg-sponsored communication channels?

  weekly monthly a few times a year annually never

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following potential features/services you would be interested to see or use related to the Feinberg site, if available.

(Please rank your three top choices 1, 2 and 3.)

  1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice
Mobile-enabled Feinberg site
iTunes podcasting
Blog feeds
Improved Site Map
Specific mobile application
More video content

Question Title

* 12. Please feel free to add additional comments about the Feinberg web site below, including how you would rank the site overall.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful feedback.