Thank you for your interest in applying for a ICAN (International Ceramic Artist Network) Mentee position through our ICAN Mentoring Program. We welcome all applicants from within our ceramics profession and who are active members of the ICAN. You will be able to specify your pottery genre and specialties, your goals and objectives, and your request of mentoring time and duration.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Your application will give us the necessary information to complete your Mentee profile and will offer us a solid opportunity to pair you with a Mentor in a successful mentoring relationship.

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* 1. Contact Information: (Be sure to include email address. This is the primary way for ICAN to contact you. Also include your phone number for the initial contact to complete the mentoring agreement when a match has been made.

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* 2. ICAN Membership Number: (Membership number is located on your membership card. If you cannot locate your membership card, please call 800.424.8698 or email

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* 3. My PRIMARY pottery interests are: (please don't select all of the options)

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* 4. Please list your reason for requesting a mentoring relationship (check up to 3 that apply):

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* 5. Do you have timeline needs with mentoring assistance (ie: scholarship deadline, show submission, college applications etc.) Note deadline dates below.

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* 6. Write one paragraph introducing yourself as a ceramic artist. Consider your background/bio, artist statement, your current career path, and any other information you want to share.

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* 7. Please provide your website address if applicable.

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* 8. Educational Background: including degrees, workshops, training and more. (check all that apply)

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* 9. Write one paragraph of your expectations of a Mentor.

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* 10. Detail your requested availability of your assigned Mentor: Points of contact. (check all options that apply) IMPORTANT: ICAN members can live all over the world, so "In-Person" mentoring is not likely, but can be a possibility. You'll need to be open to all forms of communication.

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* 11. Detail your requested availability of your assigned Mentor: Length of time.

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* 12. Share anything else that will help us and the mentor know more about you.

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* 13. Please indicate the best way and time to reach you for discussing or confirming a mentoring relationship opportunity: