For purposes of this survey, a 'dirty bike lane' means a bike lane containing debris such as trash, leaves, glass, dirt and rocks, or other materials which a Streets Department cleaning crew would remove in the normal course of street sweeping.  We are not asking about the presence of parked cars, construction materials, pot holes, sewer grates, or joggers in bike lanes (that's a different survey).

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* 1. Which Philadelphia bike lanes are most in need of sweeping?  Select up to 5 choices or nominate one if missing from this list.

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* 2. How often do you ride your bike in Philadelphia bike lanes?

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* 3. How would you rate the general state of cleanliness of Philadelphia's bike lanes?

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* 4. Do dirty bike lanes have any effect upon how often you ride your bike?

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* 5. How many times in the past 6 months have you gotten a flat tire from something you hit while riding in a bike lane?

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* 6. What percentage of your bike riding takes place on streets with bike lanes?

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* 7. If Philadelphia began an "Adopt a Bike Lane" program (similar to the 'Adopt a Highway' volunteer cleanup program), is this something you or your work/school/church/other organization would participate in?

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* 8. Please add any other comments you have concerning the cleanliness of Philadelphia's bike lanes.

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* 9. Optional: what is your gender?

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* 10. Optional: sign up for our monthly Cyclegram newsletter by providing your name and e-mail address, and three respondents will win one of our orange I Bike PHL t-shirts.