Question Title

* 1. Please let us know how frequently you are asked the following questions (or very similar ones)

  Frequently asked Sometimes asked Rarely asked Never asked/ not useful
What surgical options are there for managing my dog's cruciate ligament problem?
What is a heart murmur and what does it mean?
How can I tell if my dog (or cat) is overweight?
How often should my dog (or cat) be vaccinated?
My pet has just been diagnosed with Diabetes. What it the outlook?
Do I really need to brush my dog's teeth?
What's the best exercise for a dog with arthritis?
Is chemotherapy an option for dogs (and cats) with cancer?
Does my dog with hip dysplasia need a hip replacement?
What should I be feeding my dog (cat)?

Question Title

* 2. Please add any questions not included in the options above, that you are asked frequently by your owners.....

Question Title

* 3. Please let us know who you are so that we can make the videos available to you when they are ready.