1. OpenStudio New Feature Feedback

Question Title

* 1. Please help rank the following potential new features for OpenStudio.

  Not important Somewhat important Very important
Export EnergyPlus geometry to Radiance
Improved timeseries results visualization
Weather file and design day libraries
Integration with a generic IDF editor
Life cycle inventory data and analysis
Hot water systems and uses
Access to all template HVAC objects
Airflow network
Better integration with the SketchUp file format
Run multiple simulations and compare annual results from within OpenStudio
Display daylighting results on illuminance maps
Photovoltaics, wind turbines, solar hot water
Quick energy model from 2D floor plan
Construction, material, and schedule libraries
Utility rate libraries
Improved documentation and tutorials
Integration with slab and basement preprocessors
Life cycle cost analysis
Improved diagnostic views to highlight flaws or errors in models

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* 2. What is the largest deficiency in the current version of OpenStudio?

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* 3. How important are the following programs to your work in designing low energy buildings.

  Not important Somewhat important Very important

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* 4. At what stage of design do you usually start energy modeling?

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* 5. Has OpenStudio enabled you to begin energy modeling earlier in the design process?

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* 6. Any other feedback?