Towns Co. Title I & II-A Needs Assessment and Equity Plan Community Member Survey

Dear Community Member,
Please take a few moments to answer the following questions. We value your opinion as a school
partner and participant in the school improvement process. Your answers will help us decide
how to best use federal money for improving the education of the students in our school.
Thank you very much for your help.

Question Title

* 1. In my school district community, I am a: (Please select one answer.)

Question Title

* 2. Please put a check in the box that best describes the school.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
2a. I feel welcome at the school.
2b. Employees in the front office are polite to me when I am at this school.
2c. School employees are polite to me when I call the school.
2d. The school wants to hear my ideas about how to make the school better.
2e. The school sees community members as important partners.
2f. The school surveys community members regarding interests, talents, and availability to volunteer.
2g. The school maintains a system for contacting community members to volunteer throughout the school year.
2h. The school includes community members on decision-making and advisory committees for the school.
2i. If I need help or have a question, I know whom to talk to at this school.
2j. The school communicates how students are performing on state assessments.
2k. Students at the school are treated fairly by all teachers and staff, no matter what their race, cultural, or family background.
2l. The school provides information to the community in a variety of ways (i.e., newsletter, e-mail, newspaper, marquee).
2m. I believe the school is adequately addressing the needs of students.
2n. Overall, I am satisfied with the communication & relationship between this school and the community.