This survey will be used by the MATE Center staff to improve our internship program. Your individual responses will be confidential so please be candid!
Here is a quick overview of the MATE Internship Program:

• The Program: Each year about 15 students spend part of their summer working as marine technicians. Interns go to sea aboard research vessels in the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System and the United States Coast Guard.

• The Activities: The interns learn about and use technology to support marine operations and scientific research.

• The Locations: The internships occur across the country and the world. For example, students have been to Florida, Hawaii, Alaska, and Europe.

• The Duration: The internships last from one to ten weeks.

• The Money: The interns do not pay for travel, food, or lodging. Plus, they receive a stipend of $350 per week.

Question Title

1. After seeing the presentation about the MATE Internship Program, how likely are you to apply for an internship?

10% of survey complete.