Question Title

Rate the likelihood that each of the 10 LBS predictions below will occur by 2014. Choose one response for each prediction.

  Very unlikely (< 25%) Unlikely (25-45%) 50/50 (46-55%) Likely (56-75%) Very likely (76%+)
Geodata will be "free," with mapping data from OpenStreetMap and other crowd-driven sources eclipsing commercial vendors.
Location-awareness will be an integral part of practically every mobile app where location is relevant and can add value - while users will have control (e.g., the ability to turn location disclosure on or off), location awareness will no longer be an exception or an "option" for developers of mobile apps.
More than half of all mobile advertising will be location-based.
Virtually any user-generated content (e.g., Tweets, Facebook updates, photos uploaded to Flickr, Yelp reviews, etc.) can be automatically geotagged, allowing users to append location effortlessly. With automatic geotagging, users will routinely add "location" to their social data, resulting in an exponential increase in the volume of location-specific information.
Proximity will become a critical filter for mobile users, routinely and widely used to discover, view and act on news, alerts, nearby deals and other content relevant not just to their interests but also "near" (as defined by the user) their location.
Mobile devices capable of scanning QR codes and barcodes will revolutionize the way in which individuals obtain information, shop and generally experience places. As businesses rapidly embrace and deploy the technology, scanning and retrieving information and offers via barcodes and QR codes will be as easy and commonplace as reading a brochure or package.
LBS will be integrated with social networks, enabling users to share their real-time location with the appropriate people. For example, family members (spouse, kids, parents) will be able to view my location at any time; co-workers will know my location during work hours; friends in my inner network (the people I connect with the most) will be alerted if I travel to their city; etc.
Location will enable and foster better communication, stronger ties and interactions among individuals and their communities - e.g., neighborhoods (citizens, news sources, government, etc.), local merchants, cities, hyperlocal news, etc. The equivalent of a "local" world wide web will emerge.
While location is an integral feature of mobile apps, consumers will be reluctant to pay for any location-based services - they expect location to be a "free" value-added feature. However, where location is relevant, consumers will strongly prefer apps and content that are location-aware over those that are unaware.
Nearly one in two consumers will remain skeptical, even reluctant to disclose their location, due in part to highly publicized incidents resulting from location-sharing apps (including a series of robberies, homicides, kidnappings).

Question Title

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