1. Introduction

Thank you for taking the Ka-Band Quick Poll. WTA is seeking the views of teleport operators on opportunities and threats in the emerging Ka-band market. Your answers to the following four questions will contribute to an upcoming report on Ka and the Teleport.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Your Title

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* 3. Your Company

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* 4. My company operates teleport(s) as its primary business.

Question Title

* 5. How would you describe your company’s current approach to Ka-band technologies?

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* 6. Ka-band satellite operators require ground stations in the markets they serve and consider existing teleports as potential sites. What is your company’s experience in this area?

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* 7. In the future, how likely is it that Ka-band will create opportunities for your company?

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* 8. In the future, how likely is it that services provided over a Ka-band network via dedicated ground stations will replace business you currently serve?