The City of Marquette is seeking public opinion on a ten year Arts and Culture Master Plan. Consultants Tom Borrup of Creative Community Builders and Christine Harris of Christine Harris Connections have been contracted to conduct this survey looking at the quality of our cultural life.
We would very much like your thoughts on building a vibrant community. Your input will be invaluable as we consider how to ensure the sustainability of our vital arts and culture scene. We will be adding this information to the data collected in the recent City Planning survey for the fullest picture possible.

This survey will close on March 7, 2014. If you have any questions about this survey or how to complete it, please contact Tiina Harris, Community Services Manager, Arts and Culture, at or by calling 906-228-0472.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes how important the following are to you about living in Marquette? Scale of 1) Not Important at All, 2) Somewhat Important, 3) Neutral, 4) Important and 5) Very Important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Lake Superior and the harbor
The woods and natural surroundings
Recreational opportunities
Arts and culture activities
History, heritage and historic places
The lifestyle
The people
Educational opportunities
Professional career opportunity
Opportunity to develop ‘your own thing’

Question Title

* 2. We are interested in knowing how you connect with Marquette’s cultural community. Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following arts, culture and heritage programs have you attended or participated within the last 12 months in Marquette? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Which arts, culture and heritage activities are important for Marquette to offer, whether or not you go. Scale of 1) Not Important at All, 2) Somewhat Important, 3) Neutral, 4) Important and 5) Very Important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Adult Theater
Youth Theater
Classical music
Traditional music
Popular music
Other music
Modern dance
Other dance
Visual art museums
Historical museums
Children’s museums
Craft fairs
Arts festivals
Artisan food and beverage festivals
Heritage venues or trails
Arts markets
Farmers markets
Public library events

Question Title

* 5. If you participate in arts, cultural and heritage activities, please rate importance of the following information sources. Scale of 1) Not Important at All, 2) Somewhat Important, 3) Neutral, 4) Important and 5) Very Important.

  1 2 3 4 5
City of Marquette website
Marquette Arts and Culture Center (visit or printed materials)
Mining Journal
Marquette Monthly
Marquette County Travel and Visitors Bureau
Social media
Emails from local arts and culture organizations
Direct mail
Poster or flier
Personal recommendation or invitation

Question Title

* 6. What arts, culture and heritage resources should Marquette consider developing? Scale of 1) Not Important at All, 2) Somewhat Important, 3) Neutral, 4) Important and 5) Very Important.

  1 2 3 4 5
More live theater programming
More live music programming
Bringing national arts and culture attractions
More children’s programming
More programming connecting art and nature
Building an all-purpose performance venue that is inexpensive to rent
More rehearsal space venues
More all around entertainment venues
Outdoor art program
Workshop space for crafts, such as kiln, sinks, storage, dance floor, etc.
More heritage oriented activities

Question Title

* 7. What services do you think would be helpful to arts, culture and heritage development in Marquette? Scale of 1) Not Important at All, 2) Somewhat Important, 3) Neutral, 4) Important and 5) Very Important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Provide resources and services for arts and culture organizations to develop their programs
Coordinate marketing for arts and culture activities in the area
Coordinate planning with Downtown Development Authority
Connect with Marquette County Travel and Visitors Bureau
Reduce barriers to cultural participation
Provide resources and services for individual creative entrepreneurs to build their businesses
Ensure that the arts and culture development is included in the city’s overall community and economic development
Document the impact of the creative sector
Advocate the importance of the creative sector to public officials
Advocate for arts education
Provide an online calendar of all arts and culture events
Provide arts education opportunities
Attract and retain artists/creative workers
Provide opportunities for direct participation in artistic endeavors
Better connection with NMU’s artistic offerings

Question Title

* 8. What should the City of Marquette be providing to arts, culture and heritage? Please indicate the importance of each activity. Scale of 1) Not Important at All, 2) Somewhat Important, 3) Neutral, 4) Important and 5) Very Important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Provide direct support for arts and culture activities, i.e. grants to artists, arts organizations, festivals
Continue to support the location and activities of the Marquette Arts and Culture Center (MACC)
Providing marketing and promotion of the Marquette Arts and Culture Center
Relocate the Marquette Arts and Culture Center to its own building
Subsidize arts and culture events by providing free or reduced permit fees.
Publicity and marketing for arts and culture events
Help nonprofit organizations by providing access to technical support, workshops, and other resources and services
Provide resources and services for independent creative businesses
Invest or assist in finding monies for new artistic developments, such as a multi-purpose performing arts hall or artist studios
Provide greater access to cultural opportunities for people with limited means
Provide financially accessible youth programming
Support arts education in the schools
Support affordable artist housing and studio space downtown
Comprehensive arts and culture calendar via online access

Question Title

* 9. Resident of:

Question Title

* 10. Respondent:

Question Title

* 11. Survey Respondent:

Question Title

* 12. Education – what is the last degree earned:

Question Title

* 13. Number of people in household:

Question Title

* 14. Ages of people in household:

Question Title

* 15. Number of years lived in the area:

Question Title

* 16. Annual household income: