Water consumption daily by Americans is estimated at an average of 80-100 gallons of water/person according to the United States Geological Survey. Now convert that to the number in your family, we are really starting to use water. Keep in mind this number can vary greatly among communities and different parts of the United States. Are you possibly using that much water each day? Here are some of the normal household uses of water: drinking; cooking; bathing; showering; toilet flushing; washing clothes and dishes; watering lawns, gardens, and landscapes; and washing cars and pets.

Where do you think the most water is used each day? If you guessed the bathroom, you were right, first for flushing the toilet (3-5 gallons/flush), then for showers (2-5 gallons/minute) and baths (36 gallons if a full tub). Water use in the kitchen might surprise you as well with the dishwasher using 4-10gallons/load and dishwashing by hand using up to 20 gallons per meal. How many loads of laundry do you have each day? A typical load of laundry can use 25-40 gallons of water. Outdoor watering (5-10 gallons/minute), especially in the drought conditions, that we are facing now, can really add up to excess water usage.

Take a few minutes to have each person in your family take this Family Water Audit to see if you are a water wise or water foolish family. After you’ve totaled your score, be sure to watch for future Water Conservation news articles to see how you can make a few simple changes and start conserving water in your community and lessen the demand for water in these drought conditions. Fill out for a chance to win prizes!

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* 1. Showers are limited to 5 minutes or less.

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* 2. Fill the bathtub ¼ or less full when bathing.

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* 3. Faucet turned off when brushing teeth.

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* 4. Fill sink partially full when washing face, hands, etc., instead of free flowing water.

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* 5. Flush the toilet only when necessary. Don’t use the toilet to flush away wastepaper, hair, or bugs.

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* 6. Toilet checked for leaks; replaced/repaired if needed.

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* 7. Use a broom to clean the driveway or sidewalk.

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* 8. Use a bucket when washing vehicles

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* 9. Use a turn-off nozzle on the end of hose for outside water use to adjust water flow and turn the water on and off.

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* 10. Turn water faucet off tightly; leaks fixed.

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* 11. Put water in the kitchen sink to wash and rinse dishes.

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* 12. Run the dishwasher only when it’s full.

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* 13. Run the washing machine only when it’s full, or adjust the load size accordingly.

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* 14. Use soaker hoses or drip irrigation in the landscape.

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* 15. Install weed barrier fabric in the landscape.

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* 16. Utilize hose nozzles to allow for water shut-off.

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* 17. Use mulch in the landscape.

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* 18. Utilize timers for outside watering.

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* 19. Utilize Rain Barrels to collect rainfall and use at later date.

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* 20. Mulch lawns instead of bagging lawn clippings.

How did you score?
10+ Regular Basis: Great Job you are Water Wi$e! You are on your way to saving hundreds of gallons of water each month and saving money.

6-9 Regular Basis: You’re off to a great start! Take a few minutes to learn more ways to save hundreds of gallons of water each month.

0-5 Regular Basis: You’ve got the potential to become water wise! Taking a few minutes each day to start practicing some of the things above will help you save hundreds of gallons of water each month, too

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* 21. Do you currently utilize private well water to irrigate landscape/garden plants?

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* 22. If you answered yes, to utilizing a private well, have you had that well tested?

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* 23. Non-point source pollution is a result of everyone's behavior and it can be difficult to trace the source.

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* 24. Demographics: Age

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* 25. Gender

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* 26. Please provide first name and phone number to contact if you are one of the prize winners selected randomly from all surveys returned?

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* 27. Please provide additional comments, including ideas for future programs. Thank you!