1. Racetrack Horseshoer Test Survey

The Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit's Shoeing and Hoof Care committee is requesting participation in this survey to gain information on topics, ideas and structure for a uniform national racetrack horseshoer test for state licensure. Similar to efforts in unifying the trainers test, raising the bar on horseshoer qualifications will boost the overall safety of the racehorse. This survey was designed to gain industry feedback, especially from current racetrack horseshoers, on the development of the unified national horseshoers test. If you have any questions prior to completion of this survey, please contact Cathy O'Meara at comeara@jockeyclub.com.

(for the purpose of this survey, the term horseshoer refers to farrier, plater, blacksmith, etc.)

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your profession (choose all that apply)