TrainingPeaks is doing a study into the State of the Endurance Coaching Business. This survey in intended for coaches in any endurance sport, all levels of experience and throughout all geographies. Survey participation is completely anonymous and should take about 10 minutes to complete. Once all the information is gathered and analyzed we will post the findings for all to read.

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* 1. In what country are you located?

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* 2. Do you coach any athletes internationally?

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* 3. What is the primary sport you coach?

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* 4. On average, what do you charge (in $US) per client on a monthly basis?

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* 5. How many athletes do you typically coach at a given time?

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* 6. What is your ideal number of athletes you would like to be coaching at a given time?

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* 7. Are you part of a coaching group (2+ coaches)?