1. Connect Leeds – For a better connected Third Sector in Leeds

7% of survey complete.
Leeds Voice and Voluntary Action-Leeds (VA-L) are producing a joint database for the voluntary and community sector organisations we work with in Leeds. The database is called Connect Leeds. While both Voice and VA-L do very different work within Leeds, we work predominantly with the same organisations, groups and partners. It is a natural progression to share our contact information in order to provide a better service to the voluntary and community, and to the city, of Leeds.

This new tailor-made database will allow us to learn much more about the actual size and scope of the third sector in Leeds. We will be able to map out the services it provides, the communities that benefit directly the many contributions it makes to the City of Leeds. While the database will enable us to share contact and organisational information, it will still allow us to keep our own confidential information, mailings and case work private.

Your public information will also be included on Leeds Library and Information Service's searchable website of Voluntary and Community Groups in Leeds at www.leeds.gov.uk/volsec to help promote your organisation and its services

The information you provide in this form will be used by Leeds Voice and Voluntary-Action Leeds to;

• provide you with information and publications that will be useful to your organisation and its work

• promote your organisation and what you do to people who may benefit from your services

• contribute to knowledge about the shape and size of the local third sector in order to promote its role and significance

• keep you to up to date with information about what is happening locally and let you know about the services and support Leeds Voice, Voluntary Action-Leeds and other organisations can provide

• help us to monitor whether we are being effective in the work that we do.

All work on this new database will be fully compliant to the Data Protection Act.

Please help us to better connect, serve and support the Third Sector in Leeds by completing this form as much as possible