Below is the text of a letter asking Colorado's members of Congress to protect the charitable deduction. Please sign on by 5:00 pm on Wednesday December 19, so that your organization's name may be listed on the final letter.

Only your organization's name will be listed on the letter. Other contact information will be used to organize letters by Congressional District and any other follow up on this issue. Your contact information will not be posted on our website or shared with third parties.

If you have any questions, contact Mark at or (303) 813-4203.

December __ 2012

Dear Members of Colorado’s Congressional Delegation,

We, the undersigned Colorado nonprofits urge to you take action to protect the incentive for itemizing taxpayers to deduct charitable contributions. This charitable giving incentive encourages donors to freely give away part of their income to support causes that benefit the public and lessen the burden of government. For every dollar reduced from a donor’s income tax liability, communities receive about three dollars of benefit from nonprofit services.

We are very concerned by reports stating that to avert the fiscal cliff, Congress is considering a reduction in the amount of charitable contributions that itemizing taxpayers can deduct. By placing a cap on total itemized deductions, donors could hit the cap solely through fixed cost deductions, such as deductions for mortgage interest and state and local taxes. This would leave little to no room for donors to deduct charitable contributions at their discretion.

Another proposal would limit the amount that the wealthiest donors could deduct for their charitable contributions. Although fewer than 40 percent of Colorado’s donors who deduct their charitable contributions have annual incomes over $100,000, they account for more than $2 billion of the more than $3 billion given to Colorado nonprofits. Reducing how much the wealthiest donors can deduct would have substantial impacts on charitable giving in this state.

While nonprofits are creative and innovative, the current operating environment is challenging. Many nonprofits have experienced increased demand for services and programs at a time when the economy and cuts in government funding have stretched financial resources. Reducing incentives for charitable giving means Colorado nonprofits would have even fewer resources to sustain our organizations and fulfill our missions.

We ask you to support the ability of nonprofits to strengthen our communities by protecting the charitable giving incentive and opposing any proposal to reduce or cap the tax value of charitable contributions.


[list of nonprofits that have signed on]

Question Title

* 1. Name of Nonprofit Organization

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* 2. City

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* 4. Zip Code

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* 5. Contact First Name

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* 6. Contact Last Name

Question Title

* 7. Contact Email Address

Question Title

* 8. Contact Phone Number

Question Title

* 9. Tell us how changes to the charitable deduction would affect your organization.

Question Title

* 10. May we share your story?