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* 1. How did you hear about the conference?

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* 2. Did you feel the times allocated to visit the exhibitors was sufficient?

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* 3. How were the times allotted for lunch speakers, networking and socializing?

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* 4. How did you find the content and time allotted for the workshop, technical sessions and keynote speakers?

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* 5. The 13th CCBST added more social components to the conference (ie: pre-conference reception, gala dinner and Hydro reception. Did you find these of value?

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* 6. Please identify positive points from the 13th CCBST.

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* 7. Please identify growth points from the 13th CCBST that we can pass on to the 14th CCBST planning committee.

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* 8. Tell us if there are any elements you would like to see added to the next conference.