CASCAS is a European project led by four Partners, each of whom provide information and advice on the circus and / or street arts at a national level. The project partners are Subtopia (Sweden), Circus Development Agency (UK), MiramirO (Belgium) and Finnish Circus Information Center (Finland).

Following an open competition for tour places, which over 500 people from across the EU expressed an interest in, each Partner is hosting a tour of their country. The Circus Development Agency is the advocacy agency for circus in the UK and presents the tour in the ROI and UK.

CASCAS aims to champion intercultural understanding and provide professionals in the fields of street arts and circus the opportunity to explore different cultural contexts, share models of good practice, make new connections and challenge accepted wisdom. There are 14 tour members coming from across the EU to join the ROI and UK tour.

As making connections is at the heart of the project, professionals working in and with street arts and /or circus in ROI and the UK who are not taking part in the "official tour" are invited to join the open sessions of this tour, with kind permission from the hosts in each location.

The ROI and UK CASCAS tour is supported by:-
Creative Scotland / Alba Chruthachail
Arts Council of Wales / Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru
The Arts Council of Ireland/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon - [Funding was obtained by our ROI country Partner the Tralee Circus Festival.]

CASCAS has been funded with support from the European Commission.See or for further details.

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