A long-term study of boating safety shows that 39% of recreational boating fatalities between 1991 and 2008 involved alcohol. This represents more than 900 victims killed in alcohol-related boating incidents.

MADD Canada, with funding from Transport Canada Boating Safety Contribution Program, has developed this brief, confidential questionnaire for boaters to help us better understand behaviours and attitudes toward impaired boating. Your answers will be kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL.

At the end of the boating season MADD Canada will compile the information obtained from all respondents. This information will help us identify areas of most concern and assist our efforts to provide better public awareness and educational materials about the dangers of impaired boating.

All those who take this survey are eligible to be included in a prize draw at the end of the boating season. Congratulations Taylor from ON, Katie from BC, and Cam from BC for being our 2016 winners of a $100 gift card each compliments of Canadian Tire!

Ce sondage est également disponible en français à www.surveymonkey.com/s/frboatingsafetysurvey