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The Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District is investigating enhancing the current recycling program and welcomes your feedback.

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* 1. Do you currently recycle?

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* 2. Do you currently pay for an extra garbage container?

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* 3. Should the District continue the current recycle program?

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* 4. Should the District provide a larger container with a lid (96 Gallons) and expand the recycling program to include additional items like glass to be recycled?

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* 5. If you do not currently recycle, would you start recycling with an expanded recycle program that includes the recycling of glass and a larger container with a lid (96 Gallons)?

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* 6. Are you willing to pay an additional $2 for an improved recycling service?

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* 7. Are you willing to pay an additional $4 for an improved recycling service?