This form permits you to rate an academic administrator on five dimensions of academic administrative performance. A report is then produced for the administrator that includes a sub-score for each dimension as well as a TOTAL score. The dimensions rated include:

1. Organizational Leadership

2. External Relations

3. Human Relations

4. Faculty Values

5. Personal Integrity

In completing this form you are asked to indicate the degree to which you agree (or disagree) that the person being rated demonstrates or possess a particular characteristic.  You also have the option of selecting the No Basis for Judgment (NBJ) response if you feel that you do not have enough information on which to respond to an item.  The NBJ response does not generate a numerical value used in the calculation of an of the sub-scores or the Total Score.

On the following page you will be asked to select the administrator to be rated with this form.

For more information on using this form at your institution go to www.facultyevaluation.org