
You may register here for the St. Paul Blueprint for Safety Orientation and Training. Choose from among three available sets of training dates and use this form to indicate which dates you've chosen. This form allows you to register from 1-50 people in your agency. We will confirm your registration by email. As of February 1, the generic version of the Blueprint is available for download at http://www.praxisinternational.org/blueprintforsafety.aspx. We are asking that if you will be attending the training and are not one of the St. Paul Blueprint agencies, print out the generic version and read Chapter 1 and the chapter pertaining to your discipline, and bring it with you to the training.

Note: Probation Officers and Community Advocates: a day two probation track and a day two advocacy track are only offered on February 19th. You may register for any Day One that fits your schedule.

Note: Particpants joining from outside Saint Paul are asked to only register for the February 18-19 trainings

Please answer the following short questions and you'll be on your way!

* = required information

Question Title

* Participant Information:

Question Title

* Remember day two probation and advocacy tracks only offered on February 19th and particpants outside of St. Paul can only register for February 18-19. Please visit www.praxisinternational.org to download "The Blueprint for Safety", this is your handout packet, be sure you bring your handouts with you. I would like to register for:

  Day 1 and 2 Day 1 Only Day 2 Only
February 11-12:
February 18-19:
April 1-2:

Question Title

* Please indicate your lunch preference (if you order lunch it will be ordered for each day you are registered).
If you elect to have us order your lunch, you can pay by cash or check at arrival.

Question Title

*  Add another participant or finish registration?