Question Title

* 1. Thanks for reading BayBuzz. Overall, what's your opinion of this magazine?

Question Title

* 2. More specifically, please give us your assessment of these aspects of the magazine, where "1" is the lowest rating and "5" is the highest.

  1=Lowest rating 2 3 4 5=Highest rating
Appealing cover
Good variety of viewpoints
Good selection of topics covered
Thoughtful analysis
Meets a need other local publications do not
Makes you think
Well written
Well laid out & presented
Adverts well presented
Interesting guest columnists

Question Title

* 3. Please give us your opinion of these articles and features, where "1" is not well done and "5" is excellent. If you did not read the item, tick 'DNR'.

  DNR 1=Not well done 2 3 4 5=Excellent
Surviving the Big One
Science in Hawke's Bay
Ins and Outs
A New Regime-HB Tourism
Cranford Re-Born
Ani's Calendar
They're Back!
Choosing to be Poor

Question Title

* 4. What about our columnists? How did you like their articles? If you did not read the item, tick 'DNR'.

  DNR Disliked Not impressed OK Good Excellent
Rod Drury-What can you do for your country?
Douglas Lloyd Jenkins-Cracking the trans-Tasman broccoli trade
Brendan Webb-Plonking
John Bostock-Keep HB food production GM free
David Trubridge-The brat kid and the weak parent
Roy Dunningham-Confessions of an art junkie
Des Ratima-Maori settlements mean economic opportunity

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following topics or formats that BayBuzz might offer would most interest you?

  1=Least interested 2 3 4 5=Most interested
Polls & surveys
Education with HB focus
Business with HB focus
Deeper analysis of regional/local issues
Reviews of art, performing arts & cultural events
Humour & satire
Your own community
Fiction-e.g. short stories
Hawke's Bay history
Maori issues & perspective
Food & wine with HB focus
Personality profiles & interviews
National politics and issues with HB angle
Health with HB focus

Question Title

* 6. What suggestions would you care to make regarding how we might improve BayBuzz?

Question Title

* 7. This first edition of BayBuzz was free. If BayBuzz were offered only on a subscription basis at, for example, $50 per year (six issues), how likely would you be willing to subscribe?

Question Title

* 8. The answers you've given above will be terrifically helpful as we plan more Baybuzz.

Now, to help us sell the advertising required to make BayBuzz possible, would you consider answering just a few more questions as a 'consumer'?