The Tangoe User Group (TUG) is building momentum. Join us as we work to improve communications and provide input to future enhancements for Tangoe products.

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* 1. Which product steering committee(s) are you interested in joining? (We will discuss, best practices, use case and desired product enhancements.)

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* 2. What best practices and benchmarking topics are you be interested in discussing with peers at other enterprises? Some topics identified by the Executive Board include: Standards for Carrier Bills; International TEM particularly for AsiaPac region; and BYOD.

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* 3. Would you be interested in participating in a monthly call that focuses on best practices and benchmarking based on issues that you and other customers have identified? (Unlike product steering calls these discussions will cut across all Tangoe customers and platforms.)

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* 4. Would you speak with new Tangoe customers to discuss a customers perspective on implementation? (This would typically be one call once a quarter.)

Thank you for your participation. We will contact you shortly. In the meantime, please be sure to join the Tangoe User Group Forum on LinkedIn at
Also, the CMP/Billing IT BIT product update webinar is next week register:

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* 5. Would you be interested in hosting a Tangoe User Group Regional meeting? (Hosting a meeting is a great way to get more members of your team and executives to learn about the program. )

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* 6. Please provide us your contact information so we can follow-up with you.