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* 1. Did you have enough help and support from MAH staff?

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* 2. Did you feel you had enough space for your activity?

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* 3. Did this event benefit your organization, business or you as a poet or artist?

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* 4. Would you participate in another Poetry and Book Arts Event next year?

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* 5. Did you make new contacts, meet new friends, meet new artists or make new connections through this event that you had not previously made?

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* 6. Do you feel satisfied with the number of visitors at this event?

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* 7. What did you like the most about being part of this event? What did you like the least?

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* 8. Did you attend the initial group brainstorming meeting for the event? If so, was this helpful?

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* 9. Did you feel the event was adequately advertised? Are there any community calendars or media sources you did not see this in and would have liked to?

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* 10. How would you like us to change/improve this event for next year?