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* 1. Are you currently renting your apartment/house/etc, or do you own?

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* 2. If renting, when does your current lease end?

If you don't rent, skip this question.

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* 3. Have you ever implemented any of my advice (from my book, blog, Earn1K, etc.) in real life?

For example, by negotiating bank fees, setting up a Roth IRA, taking someone important out to lunch, etc.

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* 4. Which of my products have you purchased in the past? (Multiple answers ok).

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* 5. What kind of content would you like to see in a rent negotiation product? What questions would you like to see answered?

E.g. Email scripts, how to research the local market, etc.

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* 6. Would you be interested in testing out some of my rent negotiation strategies as part of a project I'm working on?

I'll be asking you to negotiate your rent with your landlord WITHIN TWO WEEKS, so please answer "Yes" only if this is something you're willing to take action on in the near future.

Question Title

* 7. Tell me about yourself.