1. Quiz #1 - Answers

Congratulations! You have finished Lesson #1 of this Distance Learning Course. We aren't going to grade your quiz but for your information we've provided the answers and our reasoning below:

4. What type of service model must a domestic violence agency use?

Answer: Survivor-centered and empowerment model(See WAC 388-61A-0260.)

5. Which of the following are service requirements for domestic violence shelters? Identify three.

Correct answers:
24/7 access to a trained staff person.
A safe, supportive environment for talking about domestic violence and what led to the person coming to get support.
A private setting for supportive services to protect confidentiality of conversations.
Safety planning.
Assistance with child care during individual and group support sessions.
Supportive services for children/youth residing in domestic violence shelters.
Community advocacy program for survivors who are not staying at the shelter.
Information and referral.

(See WAC 388-61A-0260.)

Incorrect answers:
Case management notes.
Requiring shelter residents to attend support groups.
Free car repair.

Case management notes are not necessarily encouraged, because case management can sometimes interfere with effective advocacy-based counseling, and because long, written notes can be a risk to confidentiality. Domestic violence shelters contracted with DSHS may not require residents to participate in supportive services. (WAC 388-61A-0260)

6. What type of training is required for paid or volunteer staff working with shelter residents?

Answer: 20 hours of initial training on domestic violence advocacy-based counseling, and 30 hours of annual training after the first year. The training must address certain topics related to domestic violence advocacy-based counseling, such as safety planning. (See WAC 388-61A-0350.)

7. How did the anti-rape movement lead to activists starting the battered women’s movement?

Answer: Survivors of rape and their allies started speaking out about abuse in the family and in relationships as a social condition, and started organizing to help other survivors.

8. Which of the following was a major external challenge faced by the early anti-violence movement?

Answer: The long history of legally- and socially-supported violence against women in Western society.

9. Which of the following was a major internal challenge faced by the early anti-violence movement?

Answer: The tension between creating a safe, communal living environment and supporting each person’s autonomy and self-determination.

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