There’s been a big buzz around the benefits the benefits of various cloud models for some time now.

Many organisations have different opinions about what constitutes a cloud computing implementation and the reasons for and against the popular infrastructure model.

We want to know what you think. Please take a moment to fill out our questionnaire below and tell what how your organisation is approaching cloud computing.

Please be assured that the answers you provide are completely confidential and will be reported only in combination with those of other survey participants.

Question Title

* 1. Which cloud computing model have you adopted?

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* 2. What are your thoughts on private cloud? (creating cloud computing infrastructure internally)

  Yes No
a. Isn’t it just a packaged product that requires a big hardware investment?
b. Is it true that only public cloud services really provide the full benefits of cloud such as cost savings and the ability to scale resources up and down as needed?

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* 3. What are your thoughts on public cloud?

  Yes No
a. Have you moved critical services to the public cloud?
b. Are you concerned about security, resource allocation and data sovereignty issues with public cloud?

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* 4. Are there any other reasons you wouldn’t use public cloud services? Briefly explain.

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* 5. You are undecided about cloud computing. Briefly describe why this is the case.

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* 6. If you would like a copy of the results of this survey or are happy to be contacted by Byron Connolly, CIO Editor for further discussion please supply your email address or contact telephone number here. Please be assured that the answers you provide are completely confidential and will be reported only in combination with those of other survey participants.