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* 1. What is your PRIMARY profession? (Select multiple options if needed.)

Question Title

* 2. What are the primary benefits that draw you to SBL membership? Please rank each item.

  Very important Somewhat important Not important Unaware of benefit
Free online access to the Journal of Biblical Literature (JBL)
Weekly emails with links to the most recent reviews from the Review of Biblical Literature (RBL)
Print subscription discounts for JBL and RBL
Access to resources such as the SBL Handbook of Style and SBL Hebrew and Greek fonts
Bi-yearly discounts on SBL books
Discounts on SBL meeting registration
Discounts offered to SBL members by vendors related to the field
Connection to colleagues
Career Center / access to information about job openings in the field
Opportunity to write reviews for RBL
Opportunity to write articles for JBL
Opportunity to propose papers for SBL meetings
Opportunity to support an organization I believe in
Opportunity to participate in the governance of the Society and/or to volunteer my expertise to further the mission of SBL

Question Title

* 3. OPTIONAL: If you would like to provide SBL with any other feedback (particularly regarding membership benefits), please enter it here. You may also email us at sblservices@sbl-site.org.

Question Title

* 4. OPTIONAL: To enter your name for a free SBL full membership drawing, provide your SBL Member # and/or email address here.